These variables are used to define the grid. It actually uses two grids,
one at nodal points (which is the one read in), and another grid located
at grid centers, used for storing all the flow variables. These variables
generally have a c in their name (such as xc(*) , uc(*) , vc(*) )
nblock === number of blocks in grid
nmx === total number of cell center points (include ghost cells)
nmxn === total number of nodal points
nmxb === maximum number of cell center points for any one block
mnx(nbck) === imax for block number nbck for grid nodes
mny(nbck) === jmax for block number nbck for grid nodes
mnz(nbck) === kmax for block number nbck for grid nodes
mnxyz(nbck) === starting index for block nbck
xn(n) === nodal point x location
yn(n) === nodal point y location
zn(n) === nodal point z location
mimx(nbck) === imax for block number nbck for cell centers + ghost cells
mjmx(nbck) === jmax for block number nbck for cell centers + ghost cells
mkmx(nbck) === kmax for block number nbck for cell centers + ghost cells
mijkmx(nbck) === starting index for block nbck
xc(n) === cell center point x location
yc(n) === cell center point y location
zc(n) === cell center point z location
These variables correspond to the grid connectivity information
found in conn.dat. They are used only sparingly in the code, and serve
only to set up the sweep blocks and boundary conditions.
nb(nbck,isid) === block connection for block nbck, side isid
isurf(nbck,isid)=== surface connection for block nbck, side isid
izone(nbck,isid)=== zone connection for block nbck, side isid*
iaxis(nbck,isid)=== axis maps between block nbck, side isid and its neighbor
(should be zero unless nb(nbck,isid) is nonzero)
These variables correspond to interior ghost cells, and only serve to
provide a pointer between the ghost cell and its associated interior
nintgc === total number of interior ghost cells
intgc(n,2) === ghost cell index and its associated interior cell index
These variables are associated with the surfaces
nsurf === number of surfaces for grid
ismax(nsf) === number of cells per surface
surfind(is,nsf) === pointers to the ghost cells for surface nsf.
surfind2(is,nsf)=== pointers to the first half-point within domain next
to surface.
The variables are associated with the sweep blocking that is used to
evaluate the left and right hand transport terms.
One sweep block corresponds to
an i or j sweep; for instance, for one block in 2d, you need 2 sweep
blocks; in 3d, you need 3 sweep blocks. Also may be referred to as
solution blocks, and Phil described them as new blocks.
iblock === total number of sweep blocks
iblkmx === total number of index pointers
iimx(ibck) === imax in the sweeping direction
jjmx(ibck) === jmax (non-sweeping direction)
kkmx(ibck) === kmax (non-sweeping direction)
ibmx(ibck) === starting index for sweep-block `ibck'
iperiod(ibck)-iperiod(ibck)/0 = 1 for internal periodic
= 0 for no internal
periodic boundary
iinternal === not used (we should get rid of it)
icon === not used (we should get rid of it)
ijdir === not used (we should get rid of it)
isrf(ibck,2) === surface at beginning (i=1) and end (i=iimx) of
sweep-block `ibck'
ibcw(ibck,2) === boundary condition at beginning and end of sweep
nnum(ibck) === the number of old blocks that make up the sweep-block
(only used in generating the sweep-blocks)
ijkdir(num,ibck)=== stores the sequence of old-blocks and local coordinate
directions for the sweep-block `ibck'
mijk(n) === stores the old-block, local-sweep-direction, and
non-sweep-direction for all of the old blocks that
comprise the "sweep-block"
mc(n) === pointer relating sweep location point to location in old
block system