Diagonalized Upwind Navier Stokes Code

Tutorial Page


6.1 Restart file (dunsout.rstrt and dunsout.urstrt)

The restart file is an unformatted file that stores all of the flow-field information as well as the time-step information. It is meant to only be read in by the DUNS and DUNSPLOT codes. It is set up such that a double-precision code can read either a single or double-precision restart file, and vice-versa.

6.2 Plotting files (dunsout.v, dunsout.g, dunsout.q)

The plotting files are basically plot3d files, except they can contain up to ten variables (plot3d files typically contain either four or five variables, depending on whether they are 2d or 3d). The variables for plotting is defined on the first line of the duns-out.v file. An example of a duns-out.v file is given below:

p1 u v t nut
# The DUNS code only reads the first line, so we can put
# any comments we want below this line.

The DUNS code will plot out the values at either cell centers or cell vertices dependent on the value of iout defined in either the input script or input deck. For a value of iout=2, it will plot out the value at the cell vertices. For a value of iout=1 it will print out the value at the cell centers, excluding ghost cells, and for iout=0 it will print out cell center values including ghost cells. The last option is convenient if you are having problems and want to verify that the boundaries are being set correctly. The variables available for plotting are:

p1              perturbation pressure
u               u-velocity
v               v-velocity
w               w-velocity
t               temperature

dp              continuity equation residual
du              u-momentum equation residual
dv              v-momentum equation residual
dw              w-momentum equation residual
de              energy equation residual

vort            vorticity

dt              pseudo time-step
rho             density
prec            preconditioning parameter
rmno            mach number
vel             velocity magnitude
acl             speed of sound
htot            total enthalpy
pstag           stagnation pressure
tstag           stagnation temperature
p               pressure
rgas            gas constant
hst             dh/dT (Cp)
hsp             dh/dp
rst             drho/dT
rsp             drho/dp
vis             viscosity
tcnd            thermal conductivity

cflx            pseudo-cfl for x direction
cfly            pseudo-cfl for y direction
redx            cell reynolds number in x
redy            cell reynolds number in y
rspp            preconditioned drho/dp

y$NAME          species mass fraction for $NAME
x$NAME          species mole fraction
h$NAME          species enthalpy
w$NAME          chemical production rate
rdif$NAME       diffusivity

q               turbulent 'q'
om              turbulent 'omega'
nut             ratio of turbulent to laminar viscosity
dq              turbulent 'q' equation residual
dm              turbulent 'omega' equation residual
df              turbulent *
tke             turbulent kinetic energy
dissip          turbulent dissipation
rdist           distance to nearest wall

cflu            local physical-cfl number based on u-velocity
cflv            local physical-cfl number based on v-velocity
cflupc          local physical-cfl number based on u+c
cflvpc          local physical-cfl number based on v+c

uavg            time-averaged u-velocity
vavg            time-averaged v-velocity
wavg            time-averaged w-velocity
tavg            time-averaged temperature
y1avg           time-averaged specie #1
y2avg           time-averaged specie #2
vrtavg          average vorticity

upert           (u - uavg)
vpert           (v - vavg)
wpert           (w - wavg)
tpert           (t - tavg)
y1pert          (y1 - y1avg)
y2pert          (y2 - y2avg)
vrtprt          perturbation vorticity

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